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Chat-bots to improve fact-find process

Chat-bots to improve fact-find process

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By Killian Plastow ·
June 07 2018

Chat-bots to improve fact-find process

Using chat-bots to conduct a fact-find prior to the first meeting is an easy way to make the process easier and more engaging for both clients and advisers, according to Netwealth.

Speaking at the Adviser Innovation Summit in Sydney last week, Netwealth managing director Matt Heine said fact-finds were "pretty dull and dry", but that chat-bots could improve client experience through the process.

"These things are actually remarkably easy to set up," he added.

Mr Heine said chat-bots allow clients to provide the information advisers need in a converstional manner and do so on their own terms.

"Imagine being able to send your factfind as a quick chat to your client and then they work through it in a chat-like environment," he said.

"It's almost like having that conversation in the first meeting but they're doing it where they want, when they want, in the environment they want.

Mr Heine said this would enable advisers to "build deeper engagement" with clients by allowing them to focus on forming a relationship in the first meeting, rather than going through a fact-find process.


"Wouldn't you rather spend that first hour really trying to understand them as a person and get know them rather than working through a checklist?" he said.

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