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Live Chi-X market data app launched

Live Chi-X market data app launched

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By Killian Plastow ·
August 30 2016

Live Chi-X market data app launched

Financial technology company Dion has unveiled a new app to deliver real time data for Chi-X listed equities to users.

The Chi-X real time prices app provides "royalty free, real-time market prices" on equities and other Chi-X investment products, Dion said.

Dion built the new app using a similar approach as that used in the construction of the company's TCPro product, which was launched earlier in 2016, according to Dion Australia and New Zealand country manager Simon Smyth.

"Both these projects were based on the idea that retail investors should have the same power over their portfolios as institutional traders do," he said.

Take-up of the app has so far been "pleasing and hassle-free", according to Chi-X Australia chief executive John Fildes, who agreed with Mr Smyth that smaller investors "deserve the same rich and real-time data that institutions are privy to".

Dion explained that data provided by the app includes last-traded price, accumulated volume and value, and open, high, low and close prices for securities, all available in real time.

Director of Australia and New Zealand for Dion, David Bowles, added that there is a "big lag" between Australia and other developed markets when it comes to technology available to investors.


"I'm pleased to see that changing, and we're certainly doing our bit to move that needle," he said.

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