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OneVue set to update advice platform

OneVue set to update advice platform

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By tlewis ·
November 10 2015

OneVue set to update advice platform

OneVue is preparing to upgrade its advice platform Luminous, with the next stage of enhancements to be launched in December this year.

Speaking to Adviser Innovation, OneVue chief executive Connie Mckeage said Luminous will continue to evolve, with another five phases of improvements to be rolled-out over 18 months.

Ms Mckeage said the focus of the platform going forward will be client engagement and access to data in a "palatable" and faster format.

"We're really trying to take the middle- to back-office stress away from [advisers] so they can really add value at the portfolio construction level where they engage with their clients."

According to Ms Mckeage, Luminous will facilitate communications between investment managers, advisers and their clients to a larger extent over the next six to 12 months.

"We really want to be advocates for independent advisers and investment managers, and we want to get as much rich information to them as possible."

She added: "What we want to become is the digital gateway between investors and those that service them - which means advisers, accountants and investment managers."


Ms Mckeage argued that providing individuals that are under advice with direct access to investment managers will have a significant impact on their engagement levels.

"[Those under advice] want to know what's going on because it gives them a sense of control even if they're not making the decisions."

Ms Mckeage added that education is a critical part of the advice process.

"I think the more that they know, the more that people can teach them," she said.

Within 18 months, Luminous will also look to streamline its dashboard and desktop functions, enhance its model portfolios and improve its communication tools.

December's update will also include a tailored dashboard and embedded workflow, which allows advisers to filter what they can see in terms of reporting, Ms Mckeage said.



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