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Wynyard launches cyber security software

Wynyard launches cyber security software

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By tlewis ·
November 24 2015

Wynyard launches cyber security software

Security software provider Wynyard has developed an Advanced Cyber Threat Analytics (ACTA) solution that helps businesses discover cyber threats inside their network.

ACTA identifies cyber security breaches inside a company's network by analysing data for anomalous patterns that are out of step with normal behaviour, a statement issued by Wynyard said.

"Discovering threats hidden early in the timeline means potential harm and damage to a network can be identified, remedied and mitigated before significant operational or reputational impact occurs," the statement said.

Wynyard chief executive Craig Richardson said: "ACTA has been keenly anticipated by organisations where a cyber breach could have a catastrophic consequence."

According to Wynyard, the software can be deployed across all industries. Moreover, Mr Richardson said the serviceable market for the solution is estimated at more than $US1.2 billion, and is expected to grow at 14 per cent per annum.

The release of ACTA follows the rapid increase in cyber-attacks against Australia in the last year - up by 37 per cent.






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